Adult Catechumenate Class
Are you an adult, looking to gain a deep knowledge of the Christian faith?
Maybe our Adult Catechumenate class is for you.
Jesus said in John 8:31, “If you abide in my word, you truly are my disciples.” The Adult Catechumenate teaches people in a high paced, high stress, high tech age to abide in Christ through every storm of life. In the process, there are four stages:
Stage 1: EXPLORATION is an investigation into the Old and New Testament Scriptures that reveal our Lord Jesus Christ. The word of God will do its work as people are led through exploration and discussion to greater understanding of the Christian faith.
Stage 2: SEPARATION is taught by Pastor Droegemueller and focuses on the six chief parts of the Christian faith (from Luther’s Small Catechism).
Stage 3: TRANSITION helps those who desire to be baptized and/or confirmed to prepare for the challenges of life. People learn to pray, read the Bible, and understand what it means to worship God.
Stage 4: INCORPORATION helps the newly baptized and confirmed members of Christ’s Church to understand the patterns of living in Christ’s mercy as we gather around His Word and Gifts.